COUNTER Newsletter, June 2023
05 June 2023How is it already June? After the excitement of Release 5.1 going live, and of course our Annual General Meeting, I’ve taken it a little slower this month. Fret not, there’s still plenty of COUNTER news below.
Before that though, a bit about our survey. It’s been a while since we ran one of these, and previously we’ve restricted participation to our membership. This year we want to hear from everyone, whether you are a member or not, so please check out the link below:
COUNTER survey 2023
There aren’t many questions so the survey shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to answer. Your feedback will help to shape our tools and services for the future, so please do take the time to tell us what you think!
Wherever you are, I hope you have sunny days to come – Tasha
Release 5.1
I very much hope you’ve had a read of Release 5.1 of the Code of Practice, or some of the educational materials we’ve produced to go with it and that are available on the Media Library.
There will be translations of the Friendly Guides and video transcripts coming over the summer, with thanks to our wonderful sponsors
- Thieme, who sponsored the German translations (and Irene Barbers, who checked them for accuracy).
- Gale, who sponsored Spanish translations (Magaly Bascones reviewed these).
- CRKN in Canada and Couperin in France are collaborating to produce French translations.
- Springer Nature have jumped in to sponsor Chinese translations.
- And Yuimi Hlasten of Denison College has volunteered to translate the Guides into Japanese.
If you want to sponsor translations into another language, please drop me a line at!
The Annual General Meeting
The Directors’ Report, slides, and minutes from the AGM held in May 2023 are now on our website.
Upcoming Events
It’s a quiet summer for events (more time in the garden!) but there are still some things to look forward to.
COUNTER is going to be digitally represented at LibPMC in July, where I will be taking part in a panel discussion on OA book usage as well as providing a long-form paper on Release 5.1. You can register at
The next event is Make Data Count Summit in September in DC, which I’ll be attending in-person – get in touch if you’d like to meet up, and of course register at