In our twentieth anniversary year, we reflected on our history and set a new five-year strategy to guide us from 2023 to 2028.
Our Vision
A world where knowledge is advanced through trusted usage metrics.
Our Mission
We bring the knowledge community together to agree and adopt the global standard for measuring and reporting content usage through normalised metrics
Our Values
We are led by and for the knowledge community, welcoming those interested in usage metrics from all disciplines, all geographies and all types of organisation.
We advocate for the use of standards across the knowledge community to maximise interoperability and shared understanding.
The Code of Practice and the tools and materials we create to support it are openly available and will remain so.
As a not-for-profit organisation sustained by and answerable to our membership, we strive to be as ethical, transparent and efficient as possible in everything we do.
Our Objectives
Maintain, develop and extend the COUNTER Code of Practice as a foundation for normalised, community-defined usage metrics
We will provide a Code which creates real value for all stakeholders in the knowledge community.
We will ensure the Code and the tools we build to support it evolve to meet the different and changing needs of the knowledge community.
We will engage with the knowledge community to identify and implement new opportunities for developing the Code and the tools we build to support it.
Foster and grow an engaged community to increase adoption and use of COUNTER metrics worldwide
We will reduce barriers to compliance for report providers and report consumers, particularly smaller groups who lack technical expertise.
We will reach out to stakeholders across the knowledge community, with a focus on under-represented geographies and communities, to increase awareness of the Code and the value of normalised usage metrics.
We will provide members of the knowledge community with the information, training, and tools they need to implement the Code and work with COUNTER metrics and reports.
We will develop best practice groups and a team who engage with and support different stakeholder groups.
We will engage with projects and initiatives that complement COUNTER’s mission.
Ensure COUNTER is operationally resilient and financially sustainable
We will use appropriate tools and technology to maintain business continuity.
We will grow our financial and people resources within an appropriate structure.
We will be cost-efficient without impinging on the quality of what we deliver.
We will keep the environmental impact of COUNTER operations to a minimum.